Go here to print your Walgreens Coupon:
These coupons are only good after all manufacture coupons and RR's (Register Rewards) so make sure your end subtotal is just above $25.00 to maximize your savings!
Here is a scenerio:
(2) Huggies Pull Ups training pants = $20.00
(2) Coppertone Nutrashield with Dual Defense + $21.98
Minus (2) $5/1 printable coupons for the Coppertone
Minus (2) Pull Ups Coupons (my total is $7.00, your options will vary) **Go to Coupons.com and you can print $2.00 off coupons!**
Add Filler Item (I normally buy Cheese & Cracker Sticks, 5-Pack, for $1.00)
Total Comes to $25.98
Minus $5.00 Walgreens Coupon
Total is $20.98 and get back $15.00 in RR for future purchase.
$5.98 for (2) bottles of sunblock, (2) packages of Pull Ups and a package of snacks... not bad in my book!
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