My trip to Albertsons, to show how easy it is to start stocking up on basic items at a very low cost!
(3) Boxes of Special K Crackers, $2.67 each
(3) Boxes of Kellogs Cinnabon Bars, $2.67 each
(2) Boxes of Kellogs 100 calorie packs, $2.67 each
(2) Boxes of Raisin Bran, $2.67 each
Subtotal: $26.70 minus Albertson's "Buy 10, Save $10" promo for these items, comes to $16.70
I used $1.00 off coupons for the Cinnabon Bars and the Special K Crackers; I used $1.00/2 coupon for the 100 calorie packs and a $1.50/2 coupon for the Raisin Bran. I also used (3) of the Albertson's double coupons from their ad (last Tuesday's mail or available in store). Final cost? $5.20 for (10) items.... .52 each. That is a lot better than the $2.67 advertised sale price!
I'm headed out tomorrow and planning to buy 2 Keebler Sandwich Crackers ($2 each) plus $1.00/2 coupon, 2 Nutri-Grain bars plus $1.00/2 coupon, 2 Kelloggs cereals (the sugary ones) plus $1.00/2 coupon and 4 100 Calorie snack packs plus (2) $1.00/2 coupon. And of course 3 double coupons ($1.00 each). In addition to the Albertson's Buy 8/$1.67 each promotion, these items will also qualify for the $10.00 Kellogg's Fuel for School Rebate found in the Kellogg's coupon booklet this last week. Should net a total of -.64. Nice combination, huh.